Warning! Non Cycling related post! ;)
One of Miss V's favourite bands is the local group Spiral Dance, who also serve as a focal point for the local Pagan community. While I'm not a Pagan, and so don't really "get" some of the tales expressed in their lyrics, their rich sound is easy to get caught up in. Off stage, they're approachable and genuinely nice people, which makes it an easy task to keep coming back, which probably explains the strong following they have both locally, interstate and internationally.
During the last year or so I've taken a camera along to their gigs and events to "try my skill" at gig photography. Having never done any gig photography before it's been a fairly steep learning curve, with some reasonable results along the way, as well as some monumental failures! Being fairly quiet for the most part it's sometimes an effort to leave my comfort zone, but knowing the band a little helps to encourage me to come out of the shadows and stand front and centre to try to get the shots I am looking for.
Generally Spiral Dance play in smaller venues, which I find can be problematic for getting good shots, usually due to the crowded stage making sight lines difficult or issues with lighting (ranging from band members hiding in dark corners to standing right next to a lighting rig!). That said, I've usually walked away from a gig with a few shots that I'm really pleased with.
The feedback that I've got from the band and others has been overwhelmingly positive. I don't think that I could ever make it as a professional gig photographer, but I think that the positive feedback makes it a enjoyable exercise to keep come back and trying. It's oddly satisfying to log into Facebook and see band members using choosing to use my shots as their profile pictures.
The last gig was at the Prospect Town Hall and was a 1920's themed show. This saw band and fans alike dressed pretty damn sharply. Here are a few shots that I took on the night.
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